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Category: Hips

90 90 Hip Mobility

Sit on the ground with both legs bent at 90 degrees and the torso as upright as possible.  Hands can be placed on the ground for support if needed. Start by lifting one foot off the ground holding it in the air keeping the knee on the ground. Then repeat with the other leg. Once both are completed, change sides and repeat.

90 90 Hip Mobility

How to perform:

90 90 Hip Mobility

The 90 90 hip mobility is a great test for the internal and external mobility of the hip. Not only will this help with the mobility in the hips but also engage the obliques to produce the motion of internal rotation. For starters, the easier method is to have the hands on the ground, whereas the more advanced method is to have the torso straight up and down without using the hands.


To get into the starting position sit on the ground. One leg should be straightforward with the foot towards the inside. The other leg should be out to the side with the foot towards the outside of the leg. The shins should be flat on the ground with a 90 degree bend in both knees. Again performing this for the first time put the hands on the ground to help support the body. For internal rotation focus on the outside foot, keeping the knee on the ground, try to squeeze the obliques and just lift the foot off the ground as high as possible and hold. Once completed rotate the legs to the other side and perform on the other leg.


For external rotation the setup is the same except focusing on the inside foot instead of the outside one. Same type of motion keeping the knee on the ground and squeezing the obliques and lifting the inside foot and holding.


Complete 2-3x per leg holding for 30 seconds each time

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