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Category: Lower

Balance Board

The balance board is a great device for strengthening the ankle and calves. It can be used in various ways, but the traditional way in controlling the movement, tapping it forward and backwards.

Balance Board

How to perform:

Balance Board

The balance board is a great exercise to work on the muscles of the ankle and calves, along with balancing muscles. Being barefoot is the most ideal case for using the balance board. If using for the first time, place the balance board near a wall or something stable in case balance is lost. The goal would be to use no assist while performing the movement, just free standing on the board with a single leg. Step onto the board with one foot directly in the middle.


Standing with one foot in the middle of the board and with the knee straight, control the board so that it switches off tapping the front and the back onto the floor. This should be done in a very controlled manner, maintaining a steady tempo back and forth. Every time the board goes forward and backward equals one rep. The torso during this movement shouldn't rock with the foot, it should be held in place by using the core muscles. The different attachments of the board change the difficulty of the exercise. To make it a little more challenging trying to balance the board completely flat without touching either side to the ground.


Complete 2-3x per leg performing 20 reps

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